The Horse Quarters is proud to have owned LITTLE KINGS BUCKEROO ALADIN. "Aladin" is an own son of the legandary sire BOONES LITTLE BUCKEROO and out of a Stouts Charger mare. We want to thank the Jerry Osmon family and the Don Boone (as in Boones Little Buckeroo) for selling us this beautiful buckskin and white pinto stallion. Aladin was Don Boones last miniature horse. We are grateful to be allowed to own this fine miniature.
Aladin has points in both halter and driving events for both the AMHA and AMHR. He also placed in the top ten at the Nationals with Don Boone at the reins.
He has a wonderful disposition and very easy to work with. He is well broke to drive, jump and does obstacle. Easy to set up and loves to work.
Congratulations to Desert Wind Pintos on their purchase of Aladin. He will be missed.
We expect a few foals by him in 2014.
Aladin Driving
Aladin Liberty and Jumping/obstacle
Aladin Free Jumping Video Clip
NEW Aladin Video
2012 Aladin Liberty Video